展台 Booth No: 3-1
地址 Add: 中国湖南省长沙市宁乡高新技术产 业园区龙灯坡路 199 号 邮编:410604
网址 Website: www.halmt.com www.halmt-en.com
Halmt, Specialised in industry applications of aluminum profiles,Products area: aviation and rail transit. Products including kinds of aircraft maintenance platform and install platform, types of mobile platforms and stationary platforms etc. Products advantages:
1. Made of aluminium, light weight and anticorrosive 2. Modular design, movable, lifting, and easy installation 3. 3D design, precise strength calculation 4. Customized design according to your requirements
湖南华铝机械技术有限公司,主要致力于铝合金 在工业方面的应用,产品主要面向的领域有:航空 保障、轨道交通保障等,产品包括各类飞机维修机 坞及装配平台、各种移动及固定平台等,其产品主 要特点有:
1. 铝合金材料制作,轻巧美观,耐腐蚀,无需保养; 2. 组合式模块化设计,可移动、可升降、拆装方便; 3. 3D 设计,功能模拟和强度计算全部电算化,安 全可靠; 4. 量身定做,节约成本;
展出产品 Product to be displayed: Safer, more convenient, lighter and more beautiful 更安全、更便利、更轻巧、更美观