展台 Booth No:C1-4

网址Website: www.taihangybc.com

Established in 1951, AVIC Taiyuan AeroInstruments Co., Ltd. (TAICO) is the earliest airborne instruments manufacturer in China as a backbone enterprise developing & manufacturing airborne instruments & electronic devices.
TAICO has obtained distinctive core technology from development and innovation. It has built advanced production lines of avionics, airborne instruments, vibrating cylinder pressure sensor and bellows; meanwhile, it has strong capability of independent development & innovation.TAICO's quality system has been certified by GJB9001A-2001, ISO9001:2000 and AS9100. The company has also been awarded the titles such as "National May 1 Labor Diploma", "Aviation Industries' Significant Contribution Unit", etc.
航空工业太原航空仪表有限公司建于1951 年,是 中国第一个航空仪表厂,是研制、生产航空机载电 子设备、仪器仪表的大型骨干企业。
经过发展创新太航空公司形成了独具特色的核心技 术。建有国内领先的航空电子设备、航空仪表、振 动筒压力传感器和弹性元件生产线,具有雄厚的 自主创新、自主开发能力。公司通过了GJB9001A-2001、IS09001:2000、AS9100质量体系认证。 产品多次获国家科技进步奖和国家新产品奖,公司 荣获“全国五一劳动奖状”、“航空工业重大贡献 单位”、“山西省模范企业”和“山西省质量信誉 AAA 级企业”等荣誉称号。
展出产品 Product to be displayed: 弹性敏感元件 压力传感器 环境探测设备 均温板
