展台 Booth No:E4-6
地址 Add:No. 20, Xiangyin Road,
Yangpu, Shanghai
中国上海市杨浦区翔殷路 20 号
网址 Website:www.hhtesting.cn
Founded in 2009, Hanhai testing technology
(Shanghai) corp., LTD is located in Shanghai
Yangpu Technology Innovation Center, taking a
floor area of 20000 square meters for office and
laboratory use. Our company has been certified
by CNAS, CMA, CCS and GACC,and accredited
by Shanghai High-tech Enterprises that provides
professional third party testing service.We provide
environmental testing, vibration endurance testing,
salt spray testing, pipeline pulse blasting testing,
EMC testing and other services for materials,
pipelines and avionics equipment involved in the
aerospace fifield.
上海瀚海检测技术股份有限公司成立于 2009 年,
20000m2 的实验及办公区域。同时具备 CNAS、
CMA、CCS、GACC 的认可资质,并获得上海市高
路脉冲爆破测试、EMC 测试等服务。
展出产品 Product to be displayed:
Pipeline Tests, Fatigue Strength Tests,
Environmental Reliability Tests, EMC Test
管路检测 疲劳强度测试 、环境可靠性试验、电磁兼